Räpina Paberivabrik AS is committed to sustainability, high standards of business ethics and integrity. Räpina Paberivabrik AS expects all of its suppliers to commit to sustainability and to adhere to similar good working standards and business ethics. The supplier is expected to comply with the requirements set out in this Räpina Paberivabrik AS Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition, Räpina Paberivabrik AS and the supplier may agree on further standards in supply agreements.
Laws and regulations
The supplier is obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of those countries where it conducts business.
Corruption and bribery
Every form of corruption or bribery is forbidden. No employee may offer, give or receive any gift or payment which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe. Any demand for, or offer of, a bribe must be rejected immediately and reported to management.
Forced labour
Forced labour of any form is forbidden, including bonded labour.
Child labour
Child labour of any form is forbidden.
The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every individual have to be respected. Employees shall not be subject to corporal punishment or to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
Wages, including overtime and benefits, in the supplier's company shall equal or exceed the level required by applicable laws and regulations.
Hours of work
Supplier shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards on working hours.
All employees of the supplier, regardless of the race, nationality, social background, possible disability, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction as well as their gender or age, shall be treated strictly according to their abilities and qualifications in any employment decision, including, but not limited, to hiring, advancement, compensation, benefits, training, layoffs and termination.
Health and safety
The supplier is obliged to provide a safe and healthy working environment to prevent accidents and injury and, when applicable, provide safe and healthy residential facilities, with applicable local law as a minimum.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
The supplier is obliged to respect the legal right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
The supplier will comply with environmental regulations and standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally conscious practices in all locations where they operate. Environmental burden shall be minimized in respect of environmental matters and shall be improved continuously.
Product safety
All products and services must meet the quality and safety criteria specified in relevant contract elements and meet all legislative requirements. The supplier must manage the hygiene and product safety risks throughout the entire supply chain. Supplier must use raw materials of known origin and ensure the traceability of raw materials and finished products. Supplier must ensure that delivered products, if used as intended, are safe for people and the environment.
Supply chain
The supplier shall ensure that all its sub-suppliers recognize and respect the requirements of this Code of Conduct.